RYA Yachtmaster Offshore

Online Theory Course



"A challenging course which stretches you but backed up with excellent coaching and instructor support."

RYA Yachtmaster


The RYA (Royal Yachting Association) Yachtmaster qualification is a certification for experienced sailors who have the knowledge, skills, and experience to skipper a yacht or motorboat in more challenging coastal and offshore conditions.


To achieve the RYA Yachtmaster qualification, candidates must have significant practical experience in yacht cruising, navigation, and boat handling, as well as a comprehensive knowledge of meteorology, safety procedures, and international regulations. The course includes both theoretical instruction, which can be studied online, and on-water training, with a focus on advanced navigation and seamanship skills.


Candidates can choose to specialize in either sail or power, and can earn the qualification at three levels: Coastal, Offshore, and Ocean. Each level requires increasing levels of experience and expertise, with the Ocean level being the highest level of certification and demonstrating the ability to skipper a yacht on passages of any length in any conditions worldwide.


Once candidates have completed the course and passed the exam, they will receive a certificate and be eligible to apply for an International Certificate of Competence (ICC), which is recognized in many countries as evidence of competence to skipper a yacht or motorboat.


Overall, the RYA Yachtmaster qualification is a highly respected certification that demonstrates a high level of competence in navigating and skippering yachts or motorboats in challenging coastal and offshore conditions.

Complementary Courses

  • Marine Radio (VHF)
  • Diesel Engine Maintenance
  • Radar
  • RYA First Aid
  • Professional Practices and Responsibilities (PPR)
  • Offshore Personal Survival